* I registered folks to vote / I encouraged voting
* I wrote a letter in support of Congressman Ruiz,
Assemblyman Garcia, and/or Supervisor Perez
to the Desert Sun
* I contacted Congressman Ruiz to support and
encourage him as he resists and battles on
progressive issues
* I contacted Assemblyman Garcia to support and
encourage him on the Salton Sea and his
important work in the state Assembly
* I did nothing but moan and groan about the GOP
* I made a donation of backpacks, school supplies,
toiletries, towels, and goods to the Migrant
Worker Comfort Center in Mecca by contacting
the GalileeCenter. org
* I called Senators Feinstein and Harris about
decent and affordable health care for all
* I contacted the Dem Headquarters about volunteering
there and/or working on research projects to
help dump California GOP Congress folks
* I read trashy novels and bemoaned the GOP
* I put Saturday, Sept. 23 on my calendar for 2pm
to attend the first DOD meeting of the Fall at
Date Palm Country Club (Candidates Fair and
special guest: Supervisor Perez!)
* I checked out frequently the amazing DOD website
at desertdemocrats.org
* I told folks where I am from and my friends and family
back home to get ready for 2018 so we
can get Congress back
* I painted my favorite room Blue
* I wrote down ideas for Democrats to gain momentum
and resist so I can share them at future DOD meetings
* I made a donation to Democrats of the Desert
(check website for address)
* I checked the DOD website to see how much DOD
has achieved this year in more than 150 days
since that sad January 20th day
* I did __________ to help the cause and to promote
progressive ideals and our local, state, and national
* I went to desertdemocrats.org for resources and
information about the above
* I am staying positively BLUE
* I am encouraging others to join DOD (super low
membership fees and a ton of good stuff and friends)
* I build tacos, not walls
Democrats of the Desert / Commit to Act